surya in Ram Gopal Varma's Raktha Charithra ,.This film is going to be a big hit.Shooting going on.
This film is made simultaneously in Hindi, Telugu and Tamil languages. As the entire film is said to last for about 4.45 hrs, the film will be divided into two parts, which will be releasing within three months gap RamaRao,Maddelacheruvu Suri, RadhikaApte and Priyamani in other pivotal roles. The film, currently in its production stage, will be released in August 2010..Rakta Charitra film is said to depict the life of the slain political leader ParitalaRavindra, played by VivekOberoi, with Tamilactor SuryaSivakumar, enacting the role of , ShatrughanSinha, playing N. T.

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